Ammut a.k.a Ammit, Amemt, Amam. 古埃及的鱷頭獅身怪,後半身似河馬,Her name means "devouress of the dead" 。傳說中它是死而復生的埃及之王奧西里斯(Osiris,在繪畫中表現為手持節杖和鞭坐在王位上)的手下,奧西里斯也是古埃及傳說中的冥世之王,所有亡靈都必須經冥世法庭的審判,奧西里斯佩帶王冠坐在寶座上,寶座旁是Ammut以及由42位冥神組成的陪審團,法庭中央放著一個大秤,秤的一邊放上真理之羽,另一邊放上受審者的心,被判定有罪的亡靈將成為Ammut的口中餐。
右邊 Osiris in his closed shrine, accompanied by Isis and his four grandsons From the Papyrus of Ani. 其中Osiris家族各個角色 在之前介紹過 鷹頭神(Horus)將法老帶到 Osiris的神壇前聆聽判決,Osiris前方的蓮花上是Horus負責保護4個重要器官的兒子(也就是Osiris的孫子),後方是 Osiris 的妹妹負責保護死者的 Isis 和奈芙緹絲(Nephthys),Isis也是Osiris的妻子 。 Part of the Book of the Dead of the king's scribe Ani, showing Ani, followed by the smaller figure of his wife Tutu, adoring Osiris, the ruler of the underworld, and his sister-consort Isis, who are enclosed within a shrine. Thebes. Paint on Papyrus. Nineteenth Dynasty.