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--  作者:泡泡龍
--  發佈時間:2006 03 1 5:35 PM

--  我是怎麼來到這世界的?(中英對譯)


How did I come into this world?

Monday morning....need double expresso, and a joke to start with...

technical explanation.........
言談間還引伸當前電腦用語作解說 .....

"Daddy? How did I come into this world?"

"Well, my child, some day I'll have to tell you anyway."「哦,兒子啊,總有一天我會讓你知道的。」

"So why not today? Please!"

"OK, but listen carefully."

"Mom and Dad met each othe! r in a cyber cafe.

In the restrooms of that cyber cafe,dad connected to mom.

Mom at that time made some downloads from dad's memory stick.

When dad finished uploading we discovered we used no firewall.當我完成上載時,我們發現我們沒有使用防火牆,

Since it was too late to cancel or delete,

nine months later we ended up with a virus."

--  作者:zoo
--  發佈時間:2006 07 28 3:29 PM



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