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--  【轉貼】鎖住您的PPC和PPC Phone - screenGuard 1.0【嚐鮮期至1101】 (http://localhost/phpwind//read.php?fid=66&tid=14265)

--  作者:kowe
--  發佈時間:2005 10 2 3:00 AM

--  【轉貼】鎖住您的PPC和PPC Phone - screenGuard 1.0【嚐鮮期至1101】

Do you want to carry your Pocket PC in your pocket?
Then you need screenGuard, your intelligent device protector! It disables the touch-screen & hardware buttons allowing you to still see information and answer calls without accidentaly activating programs when device is in your pocket.

screenGuard Key Features
•Disable Touch screen & Hardware buttons
•User defined keys to unlock
•Still see Today Screen or incoming caller info
•Optionally blank screen to save power
•Optionally stop device sleeping when downloading or listening to music
•Answer calls while locked (needs phoneAlarm)
•Integrates with phoneAlarm for intelligently controlling Green Talk button
•Full install/uninstall support.
•Small footprint - just 40 KB


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